Below are select archival images of Peggy's time in SNCC, as well as her other civil rights, social justice and peace endeavors...

Before a protest in Baltimore...
Peggy (front row in coat) with SNCC Members in 1961 before being arrested in Baltimore, MD for sitting in at a restaurant in Chrisfield, Maryland on Christmas Eve. (photo credit: Danny Lyon)

Front Page of SNCC Paper...
The Student Voice 1962 article on church burnings.

Peggy in1962 at SNCC/Albany Freedom Movement event with Kathy Conwell.

Peggy in1962 at SNCC/Albany Freedom Movement event with Kathy Conwell.
SNCC/Albany Freedom Movement...
Peggy in 1962 in Albany, Georgia at SNCC/Albany Freedom Movement event with her dear friend, Kathy Conwell (who would become famed indie filmmaker, Kathleen Collins).

SNCC Program...
Peggy in SNCC material, noted for contributing a written report from the field while registering Black sharecroppers in rural SouthWest Georgia in 1962.

SNCC press release related to Peggy's reporting bomb threats to local police

The Full SNCC Press Release on Peggy's reporting a bomb threat, as well as arrests and threats re: other SNCC members.

Another telegram sent to Peggy, while in jail due to her protesting

SNCC press release related to Peggy's reporting bomb threats to local police
Archival Documentation & Material
An unfortunate element of non-violent protests for civil rights—even today—is the possibility of being arrested. During Peggy's time with SNCC, her being threatened and arrested was inevitable as she along with so many others fought for justice in the South. Here are some of the documentation (e.g., press releases, etc.) and material (e.g., telegrams, etc.), related to some of those arrests and threats (e.g., assault, bombs, burnings, etc.).
(click on the image for more photos)

Peggy in Moscow, speaking to participants

Peggy in a Moscow speaking with a female worker

Peggy and fellow participants at a Moscow factory

Peggy in Moscow, speaking to participants
The Women's Peace Tour in The U.S.S.R.
In 1964, Peggy traveled to the U.S.S.R. as part of the American Delegation for a peace tour/exchange sponsored by the renowned Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, that has a U.S. national section under its International umbrella.
(click on the image for more photos)